How big is a skunk territory? How far do skunks travel from their nest or for food?

Skunks usually live a solitary life and forage alone. They like being alone because of their defense mechanism of spraying. Unlike other animals that move about in packs, skunks generally don’t need the strength in numbers as it only takes one spray, unlike other animals who will bite, charge, and claw their opponents together.

Territory Size
Their territory sizes are usually small, and it is common that some territories overlap or are shared by the species, because they do not really defend their territory against the same species, making them a somewhat peaceful bunch. Their territory sizes span more or less 4 miles because most skunks don’t like traveling more than a mile away from their dens every night.

Communal dens are also common, especially during mating, and it is also common for 6 to 25 skunks to live in one communal den, with only 1 male at the den, since skunks are polygamous.

Striped skunks usually prefer underground dens the most, and they like sleeping under spaces they consider as safe, like under patios, porches, and your house foundation. They prefer pre-made houses that are abandoned by other animals, but they also do not mind sharing their dens with other species, and they even curl up with them at night for warmth. Cute right?

Spotted skunks, on the other hand, like man-made structures more, like old or abandoned buildings. They also like elevated areas, they can even build their den on second floors of sheds and barns. Since striped skunks are poor-sighted and very slow, they prefer burrowing rather than elevated dens, and they are more of an opportunistic feeder than other species.

Territory Habits
Skunks only mate once per year, and this breeding season usually occurs from February to March. Since skunks are polygamous, meaning they mate with more than one partner, it is normal to see a group of skunks together in a den. Skunks usually stay close to their dens, and they rarely go farther than a mile from it. However, this changes during the breeding season and male skunks usually travel farther than a mile in search of female skunks to mate with.

During the cold season, skunks prefer to live in groups to keep themselves warm. They will also usually find special habitats that will keep them warmer, and it’s not surprising to see groups of skunks sharing their dens with other animals. During this season, skunks tend to hibernate due to the harshness of the weather. However, keep in mind that they don’t fully hibernate like most animals, as they still come out every now and then to search for food.

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